DLD Project

Digital Language Death Project
The objective of the DLD project is the completion of a new study about the systematic evaluation of the potential risks for all existing languages to be left aside in the process to obtain digital existence.
The study will retake, update and potentially enhance, the method used by Andras Kornai in his first seminal study published in 2013, Digital language death, PloS one 8 (10), e77056.
The method stands on a software he created to crawl a series of existing websites holding key information for most of the languages of the world, in regard to their EGIDS status and/or digital status. This software produces as output a matrix with all languages in the world (actually 8426) and a set of 91 attributes (collected from the crawling operation) which allowed the diagnostic made by the paper of the risk of digital death of the majority of them.
The software will be rewritten and will deal with the modifications occurred in the websites used as sources in the first version as well as a set of additional websites representing new sources which will be looked after.
A consortium has been set up to reach the objective, with:
- HUN-REN INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE AND CONTROL, scientific coordinator (Andras Kornai) and software development coordinator (Martin Aaron Juhász)
- UNESCO Chair on Language Policies for Multilingualism, in charge of new avenues of researches from the result of the project (Gilvan MĂĽller de Oliveira)
- OBDILCI General Coordinator (Daniel Pimienta)
This project is totally realized on solidarity basis, with no budget required from the partners, only good will and competent time. According to this, the software development and data collection will be conducted by two voluntaries recruited thanks to the platform Volunteer Match and coordinated by Martin Aaron Juhász (Bsc of Physics and Master of Sciences of Applied Mathematics with data science specialization from Budapest University of Technology and Economics):
Cathy Tian Xie, San José, USA, Master of Science in Computer Science, Master of Art in Physics from University of Wisconsin Madison.
Yaobin Xie, Washington, USA, M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Washington, B. S. in Automation from South China University of Technology in Guangzhou.
The project started in March 2024, the development started in September 2024 and completion is expected by March 2025 with the publication of a new article on the subject standing on updated data.

Projects by OBDILCI
- Indicators for the Presence of Language in the Internet
- The Languages of France in the Internet
- French in the Internet
- Portuguese in the Internet
- Spanish in the Internet
- AI and Multilingualism
- Digital Languages Death
- Pre-historic Projects…